Latest blog post: Redraw of chapter 1 is happening (2024-05-11)

Author's comment:

I've posted the fourth panel as a teaser a while back and asked people to speculate about what shocked Ahshu so much about humans.

Ah, your versions were so deliciously naive.

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Comments (16)

Borg (transfer from Disqus)

You were warned the signal-to-noise ratio is awful.

Lord Eric (transfer from Disqus)

but I [haven't] found any clarifications

Carefulrogue (transfer from Disqus)

The conspiracy sites will throw them for a loop. Conjecture and skipped steps, utter bullshit, and things that have things going for it but are locked behind classification walls, all swim together. And unfortunately, finding legitimate sites discussing the same events and casting doubt is gonna be hard. Places of intense and serious discussion limit themselves to obscure corners. Or occasionally /pol/.

They likely don't have any idea of the amorphous flags of good and bad sites too. We often just glance at a website, and can tell if it's good/bad based on some arbitrary characteristics or a heuristics based on exposure. Even an AI going a million miles a second is going to lose bearings if it doesn't build those connections quickly, or stumble over the material IDing the most obvious signs.

Shadowkey392 (transfer from Disqus)

Yes, we’re constantly shocked ourselves by how stupid some of us insist on being.

Gogglepeasant (transfer from Disqus)

Your four-armed aliens remind me of Kelpies for some reason. Flesh eating horses with the shape of thier face and structure of their teeth.

Gogglepeasant (transfer from Disqus)

Your four armed aliens remind me of Kelpies for some reason.

Greg C (Silence Echoes) (transfer from Disqus)

How long before they discover Discworld and learn it's turtles all the way down?

Shadowkey392 (transfer from Disqus)

I’m wondering when they’ll find out about the Federation and Starfleet.

Lord Eric (transfer from Disqus)

Probably already have. Quantum at least knows about Warsies, and Trekkies are about as well-known.

Lord Eric (transfer from Disqus)

"Well, we found flat-earthers, but still no signs of intelligent life..."

Shizamura (O Sarilho webcomic) (transfer from Disqus)

They can have a laugh over the flat plan'ers, lovely

Takedown275 (transfer from Disqus)

My all makes sense. Jesus was a carpenter, so of course the Earth would be shaped like a woodworking tool. This means the sun is a wood burner, the universe a plank, and the stars mere knots; imperfections to be worked out by the divine lumber artisan.

Shizamura (O Sarilho webcomic) (transfer from Disqus)

huge if true

JoB (transfer from Disqus)

Hmmm, does that make the hollow-earthers worshippers of The Heinous Woodworm?

wolf ryet

A lot of folks think the flat earth folks are just tweeking the public. In ham radio we have a joke that all electronics is powered by smoke. When you let the smoke out , your electronics quit, which is true, but those who don't understand electronics, don't understand how to interpret, or argue the point. I have presented points to prove flat earth wrong based on observations and geography, and have yet to get a reply form a flat earther. Such as driving west in Kansas, you will begin to see the Rocky mountains in Colorado. the further west you drive the higher the mountains get. camping near the mountains you watch the sunrise come down the mountain as the sun rises over the curve of the earth.

Lord Eric (transfer from Disqus)

It really is hard to imagine a worldview that would make someone actually believe the earth is flat. Quite apart from doing your own tests, the flatheads claim that there's some kind of conspiracy to keep "the truth" from the public. But there are so many different jobs, hobbies and technologies that either depend on or regularly expose the earth's shape that such a conspiracy would require paying hush money to multiple percent of the entire human race, and the requisite window dressing would cost billions of dollars every day atop that. That many people can't keep a secret even if all but one of them are dead.

And asking why anyone would bother with such a masquerade tends to earn a surprised pikachu face, followed by a reason that flies in the face of what most global elites actually want.

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