Latest blog post: Redraw of chapter 1 is happening (2024-05-11)
Author's comment:
Never anger a woman. ...Especially if she has military-grade cyber-implants allowing her to fold metal sheets like origami.
Never anger a woman. ...Especially if she has military-grade cyber-implants allowing her to fold metal sheets like origami.
Comments (25)
Is her strengh natural to the species or does she have modifications?
She's a military girl, they get all sorts of fun advanced toys, including those that go on the inside. Baseline raharrs are not nearly as strong (though on average still somewhat stronger than an average human)
"fun advanced toys, including those that go on the inside"
Quite extraordinaire how much linguistic interpretation can change when something is
taken out of context.
And thanks to Darth Biomech for wrecking my keyboard with the coffee I sprayd allo ver it.
Here's another fun concept for you:
Having all your military(-only)-grade implants decommissioned as your service ends.
Just quick little "hack´n´slash" job
God damn it. The bones! I meant they're installed on or instead of the bones!!!
... if anyone here ever needed proof that this comic's author does not use a spellchecker for his typing, please take note of how not a single "R" was added where it doesn't belong ... >;->
It might be a good idea giving them all name-tags, like at a convention. ( "Hi! My Name Is ---------!" )
Note that plain old name tags do not (... I suppose ...) profit from the Raharr autotranslation mechanisms like their speech does ...
Just stick a Button on their uniform with a smiley ;
then ground personel and scientists know who to talk to and who to leave be......
I think I know which one Nea is going to get.....
Gharrs button is going to be me thinks.
I wonder am looking forward to what Nea thinks of the "Stay on Earth as a half-exile half-ambassador" thing in terms of being harsh vs being a sort of failing upwards.
I'm sure that she'll add her personal touch to the task.
The actions and her look and the table tell me there may well be more broken bones in store for Gharr. Will she volunteer with him to make the rest of his life miserable? Their language is quite interesting, have you taken it to a full make up? Would love to study it.
The wiki has a page on it with a couple of rules and a small dictionary, but I haven't developed it into a real conlang, I'm not that great with stuff like that.
Well, Miss Iskra, we may need the UN's help sooner than originally planned. What's the procedure for receiving a refugee, with a bonus "witness protection" on the card? Quickly? Like, very quickly?
About the poll: Actualy, we only saw the Raharrs, and their are enough distinct that we can recognize them with the same level than for humans. It's will be probaly a less confidant and bit harder for the others one, especialy the Insectoids, but since we saw very few of them, will see.
I like the switch to iska's point of view to show their all speaking Raharran (Alliance Common?) but I still wonder if the Raharr should really talk so freely and underestimate the human's ability to decipher their language. Every word spoken is likely recorded together with video for context and there's no telling of Nea felt it necessary to keep her language secret or was happy to help the humans learn it.
Gharr's nanobots did a great job fixing up his face but I get the impression Nea feels they should be tested much more thoroughly.
And it just occurs to me that Iska is likely surprised because this is yet another Raharran she hasn't met or been informed about.
So panel six, a translation attempt using the wiki:
Zane: Gharr false,lie ?not know? ?continent/single country?
(my guess: "Gharr falsified (the info about) planet/people")
Nea: Gharr result fire,flame transport,shuttle?!
(my guess: "Gharr caused the shuttle crash?!")
Both girls lost their "cool"....
Well, a spot of Bondo, a dollop of paint and that desk is back at factory new....
If Major has the grapes, he would step in now and take responsibility.
he did push the launch button after-all.
(Ordered it pushed. The barely discernible cuff seen on the hand pushing it it on page 4 is a better match to the underling's, as the major's jacket has clearly offset ones on page 17.)
Well done! You spotted a cheap way out of this : Throw some Ensign under the Bus / let the Raharrs space him at their leisure.
True state mans-craft at its finest.
Zane: "So, I would like to talk to you about one of the first interactions typically taking place between the Alliance and a newly-contacted sophont species - setting up, in this case, a joint Raharr-Human Space Program. We go to space all the time, now you are going to get into space."
Private "Green Shirt" Pushy: "... why would you be discussing that with me, Sir ... ?"
... did Zane tell Nea that Gharr issued a fake report? Or just that it was his report is the decision to send the shuttle was based on? The latter shouldn't be big news to her, after all, Gharr picked the landing site in front of her, too. If it's the former ... if that information gets out (and it likely will if Nea acts out her anger here and now), it might end Zanes career as well ...
I don't think Zane's career would be in jeopardy at this point, since he didn't know Gharr had given him false information until after the shuttle was gone, and Zane has decided to punish him rather than hide what he did. What worries me most is that Nea might not think exiling Gharr to a research-rich environment where he can live the rest of his days as a celebrity is much of a punishment. I pity the fool whose neck is in her grasp!
Her orders are still to protect the Civilian (Gharr) , page 100.
A conflict of interest I do not envy her