Latest blog post: Redraw of chapter 1 is happening (2024-05-11)

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Spider Forest collective continues it's application season!

Spider Forest collective application season!

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I suspect Zane has undisclosed reasons for why he wants to be close to Earth alone with a certain AI who happens to be in on the true scope of the mission...


Hmm, I doubt Zane is too concerned about misinterpretations, if anything, this sends the very clear message that the humans should think twice before they themselves make any rash decisions.

And if they react so poorly... Well, that provides very useful information and is still unlikely to constitute a real threat.


Misinterpret it in the wrong way?! If there's something to misinterpret its the message they sent back.

Her comment here makes me think even more that there's been something lost in translation. If you're worried that arriving in a military ship could give the wrong impression then that wrong impression would generally be that you're coming with aggression in mind. His message gave a very menacing impression so if he was intending to be menacing and in command you'd think he'd mention that as the reason for the military ship.

Hopefully this truly is all misunderstanding and while they have translations, the nuances of the language and cultural norms have been missed.


I realise I'm comparing things from fiction here but in almost all cases they have worked out that a grand quality of humanity is overcoming things.

When the U.S. first went to war in Iraq they noted that Iraq had bunkers about 40' deep with hard concrete roofs and the U.S. had no weapons that could threaten them. So in record time they developed a missile, built around old artillery barrels, that could penetrate up to 100'.

Which is why these feel like famous last words for Zane, or foreshadowing because humanity has been given a week's notice that it might have a hostile alien space ship in orbit (although he didn't mention the moon) and it will be a warship. Any military force with a problem like that is going to go into immediate overdrive for any possible solution to be developed in record time. Thats not to say humanity will be immediately firing, but its good to have a just-in-case up your sleeve and nobody likes feeling helpless.

Not to mention they've been analysing the wrecked shuttle for some time now.


Would the humans even recognise the small cruiser as a military ship?


Even if humanity had surface-to-moon missiles--and since they've done proper research this time, they know we don't--it would take a very special sort of idiot to commit an obviously deliberate act of war against a vastly more advanced force that you aren't even capable of attacking under most circumstances.

Stolen Moment

What's the *right* way to misinterpret something?

Kris Lighthawk

Sometimes you may want sombody to misinterpret you in a specifik way, that would be the "right way"

If they misinterpret in another way, that would be the "wrong way"

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