Latest blog post: Redraw of chapter 1 is happening (2024-05-11)

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While Zhane is only seing these two, I'm assuming his feed is being watching by a lot of other people in the Protagistan government. It's quite plausible that Bhane will be getting new instructions / permissions-to-make-agreements very shortly.

Similarly, I imagine Quantum will be getting a copy of this call, and tearing through it with their(probably) better grasp of human culture and expressions. They might also ask for a copy to be transmitted back to Ahshu and Hekaht (and others) for further analysis.

The warshiup capatain would presumably have his own two cents to toss in, based on tactical assesment of the nation, and the (presumably) extensive military activities along the border. AWACS and SIGINT planes are probably getting as close as is legal, and there could be multiple heavily armed patrol fighters from multiple nations up in the air - as peace keepers, to make sure no one else does anything silly, of course. He'd probably aagree with the need to talk to the locals about a flight plan.

Though he might equally suggest fucking with the locals, and performing a completely vertical approach plan. Which their tech is more than capable of pulling off. At least below the Kármán line.


Zane take clearly the Initiative here

While US military hope to get advantage for USA during First contact.

Zane dosen't care about affair of That local tribe on this planet,

he want the survivor and wreck first, then First contact with entire mankind...


Well, just bring her out and let them talk. That should only take a few minutes to set up.


I note that Zanes question "when are you going to hand over the shuttle crew" did not get answered - partly due to Zane himself cutting in before the general could reply. I hope that he seriously meant it when he said that he wants to speak with Nea today. If he's assuming that after that interview, both of them can just walk out and board the shuttle, we're scheduled for another unfortunate misunderstanding ...

--- (How do you do a HR or double paragraph spacing or something like that in the comments? Please imagine some sort of separator here) ---

"... and to find you a suitable landing site."

"We're currently looking at satellite imagery and some maps we downloaded from your Internet ... what does 'бульва́р' mean?"

"OK OK HERE'S YOUR COORDINATES for a forest clearing just a hundred steps or so from our camp feel free to vaporize some trees if you need more room ... !"


While some might like the hopes and dreams of the general getting his dreams shattered, i do hope for more from the other characters.


I concur but is it just me who interpret Zane´s demeanor as getting a bit "hostile" ?

Yes, I know one should negotiate from a position of strength but since Raharr is a complete unknown more og less to Terran powers-that-be then one should be careful not to spook them.


Zane is rightfully irritated because they have Nea but she's not part of present company in front of the camera and speaking her own part... He's angry because they're having a conference but not communicating about the issue, only about rules and protocol because they want to make A DEAL!


"I'm not sure Mr. President can arrive at the base on such short notice."

"Mr." should be "the" or "our".


This isn't surprising at all. Zane isn't messing around with what seems like a bureaucratic-minded general. This looks more like a dictation of terms than a negotiation. I wonder if General Bahin is of a mind to say "Yes I'll go get the survivor now, she's just down the hall," or if he'll try to stall for a few hours to tell his government how this is going.

Also, the sixth panel is a great example of why you don't position your camera to look up at the guy on the other end of the video call. Zane is completely winning the Feng Shui contest!


The look on the Major's face, he's... not surprised but a little confused.


He is reading you like a book dude! Your grand plans are going to be flushed pretty quick.


The look on their faces is very funny! Who's in charge now? (Hint) It's not them!

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