Latest blog post: Redraw of chapter 1 is happening (2024-05-11)

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Carefulrogue (transfer from Disqus)

An interesting development. But, depends on what she plans on doing with what she has. She may be a 4 armed and tailed alien, but this is our home turf. You aren't getting away unless they let you for reasons you may not be able to grasp. Her life depends on what actions he and his immediate seconds determine to be the best course of action to get her back into custody--or they can kill her, which they don't desire.

I don't think the major anticipated this move, so no elaborate plan is in place to arrange an easy escape, or a staged one. Such a plan would be quite risky too for all involved personnel. The major ain't breaking out of that grip on his own though. Too wiry, for an alien that is confirmed to be enhanced physically, and has some extra arms to manhandle him into disadvanteous positions making any martial or grappling moves quite difficult to pull off.

I'm curious as to where the writing will take us.

me (transfer from Disqus)

Having four arms comes in "handy" ...

She can hold him in a tight grip with two arms and have another set of two ready for other tasks. And she's got a tail for swiping ...

Lord Eric (transfer from Disqus)

Ope. That went downhill way faster than I expected.

Murphy (transfer from Disqus)

So, taking a high-ranking officer hostage as a way to escape the compound.
That definitely makes her look even less alien.

TheRealBeef1213 (transfer from Disqus)

mans just got swiped like he was somebody's purse lol

wolf ryet

That was good for the laugh of the day . Great comment.

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