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The people who think they are smart are sometimes most stupid, because they wont ask questions. If the government knows the name of your alien quest, what would that mean? Either they have survivors or the government was behind whole this whole landing operation. Which means you should be contact them before you poison your alien by chocolate. Other hand, it might be another survivor or maybe alien resque team, who has found access on internet.
We already knew because at we point did we see anything that would show the govt. forces know the name of the missing alien. They'd need to first get a common language with their survivor (either she learns theirs, or they learns hers) and secondly that said survivor tells them there is one guy unaccounted for.
Actually, that isn't a reason for us to think it's not Pronin's guys. In the doodle-conversation on page 107, Pronin and Nea confirm with each other that one alien is unaccounted for. Even without a shared language, it's easy to imagine that convo going on to include introductions, and then Pronin asking Nea to put names to the figures on the paper too.
But the only people we know of on the internet are the aliens. And Dan has not been making wise choices. So the chances are very very high that this is the aliens, and not the military.
Ummmm…I think you’ve got it backwards. Yeah, it could be the Roharr, but it’s more likely at this point that it’s someone working for the government. But either way, yeah, Dan’s not been very smart lately, has he?
I'm not saying it couldn't be the government. But narratively we've had several segments about Garr's friends sneaking around the internet looking for traces of him. And we have not seen anything about the government doing the same. What we have seen from the military is a lot of physical traces, and I suppose one registry check for the truck. So from a story perspective its far more likely that this was the aliens, and the next military thing we see will be a house to house sweep.
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Raharrs descended from the evolutionary branch that can be described as "apelike cats" by their evolutionary niche. Although initially carnivorous and solitary, they were forced to become omnivorous and form persistent packs during the latest of the rare ice ages of their homeworld, approximately 30 million years ago.
Comments (9)
The people who think they are smart are sometimes most stupid, because they wont ask questions. If the government knows the name of your alien quest, what would that mean?
Either they have survivors or the government was behind whole this whole landing operation. Which means you should be contact them before you poison your alien by chocolate.
Other hand, it might be another survivor or maybe alien resque team, who has found access on internet.
Oh look, they’re trying harder.
"I did not reveal to the Internet we have an alien, it's not true! It's bullshit! I did not tell the Internet anything! I did not! Oh hi, Mark!"
Welp, now we know that the message was genuine.
know that he's [missing]
[clap] or maybe [slam]
We already knew because at we point did we see anything that would show the govt. forces know the name of the missing alien. They'd need to first get a common language with their survivor (either she learns theirs, or they learns hers) and secondly that said survivor tells them there is one guy unaccounted for.
Actually, that isn't a reason for us to think it's not Pronin's guys. In the doodle-conversation on page 107, Pronin and Nea confirm with each other that one alien is unaccounted for. Even without a shared language, it's easy to imagine that convo going on to include introductions, and then Pronin asking Nea to put names to the figures on the paper too.
But the only people we know of on the internet are the aliens. And Dan has not been making wise choices. So the chances are very very high that this is the aliens, and not the military.
Ummmm…I think you’ve got it backwards. Yeah, it could be the Roharr, but it’s more likely at this point that it’s someone working for the government. But either way, yeah, Dan’s not been very smart lately, has he?
I'm not saying it couldn't be the government. But narratively we've had several segments about Garr's friends sneaking around the internet looking for traces of him. And we have not seen anything about the government doing the same. What we have seen from the military is a lot of physical traces, and I suppose one registry check for the truck. So from a story perspective its far more likely that this was the aliens, and the next military thing we see will be a house to house sweep.