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Heh, love the "waste of time" comment. But it's certainly good to note his thought that preaching another religion could cause problems. I wonder if he's finding the number of cycles until burn to be strange and is counting out what he thinks it should really be.
Quantum might well be there to explain the exact problem but it's interesting that Quantum wanted to shot up, somewhat in person rather than inform him over the communicator. Maybe he'd disabled it to think.
P.S. Love all the hand and arm gestures, particularly in panel 6.
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{"commentics_url":"\/\/leavingthecradle.com\/comments\/","page_id":325,"is_permalink":false,"lang_text_view":"View","lang_text_reply":"reply","lang_text_replies":"replies","lang_text_replying_to":"You are replying to","lang_title_cancel_reply":"Cancel this reply","lang_link_cancel":"[Cancel]","lang_text_not_replying":"You are not replying to anyone","lang_button_loading":"Loading..","lang_button_more":"More Comments","date_auto":true,"show_pagination":true,"pagination_type":"infinite","timeago_suffixAgo":"ago","timeago_inPast":"a moment","timeago_seconds":"less than a minute","timeago_minute":"a minute","timeago_minutes":"%d minutes","timeago_hour":"an hour","timeago_hours":"%d hours","timeago_day":"a day","timeago_days":"%d days","timeago_month":"a month","timeago_months":"%d months","timeago_year":"a year","timeago_years":"%d years"}
Before becoming a webcomic, Leaving The Cradle was initially developed as a modification for Source engine, back in 2007. It was vastly different back then, much closer to the usual space opera look and feel, and the plot had nothing in common with the webcomic version, sharing only one character.
Comments (4)
welcome back ! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us now.
"Loose objects", hm? Like a certain pair of holo projectors?
(Welcome back!)
Heh, love the "waste of time" comment. But it's certainly good to note his thought that preaching another religion could cause problems. I wonder if he's finding the number of cycles until burn to be strange and is counting out what he thinks it should really be.
Quantum might well be there to explain the exact problem but it's interesting that Quantum wanted to shot up, somewhat in person rather than inform him over the communicator. Maybe he'd disabled it to think.
P.S. Love all the hand and arm gestures, particularly in panel 6.