Latest blog post: Redraw of chapter 1 is happening (2024-05-11)

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Gharr wondering what "this is all over" is going to look like.

Will he be swept away by government agents for experimentation

Will he be forever in hiding, unable to learn the fate of the fleet or if he will be accepted

Will he reveal himself and become a celebrity but discover the fleet abandoned Earth

Will he witness a societal collapse as they l earn of aliens and the alliance is forced to step in all thanks to his blunder

Will he be the reason a war is brought upon Earth by the fleet as they seek retribution for the downed shuttle

The hopeful outcome is that Earth is peacefully accepted into the alliance and prospers but Gharr's optimism is understandably shaken after his mistake of coming to Earth.

Although I now wonder if it was entirely Gharr's fault for fabricating evidence in his report... Or if he was fed false information by someone... I guess we haven't seen any surprise from Gharr on humanity's technology level so its likely he knew the trip wouldn't be approved and twisted things to make it seem safer.


Weeeeeeell the symbolism on the title page suggests that the entire band of four makes it off planet with at least one ship of the fleet remaining to go to. Maybe not by means of orbital insertion per implant-enhanced gymnastic exercise as the image suggests, though.

That still leaves Nea unaccounted for, however ...


I probably take the cover a bit more symbolically as Gharr lifting Dan up from whatever place he's in and the Raharr in general just lifting humanity out of their Earth cradle and into the wider universe.

The lone ship I just take as the fleet mothership to represent the Raharr and Earth below it. The symbolism of Mark gripping on scared could be interesting though. If Dan doesn't do something stupid level to get them in trouble I could imagine Mark breaking group trust.


When having an alien in your attic is actually therapeutic.


Gharr realizes that "this" is going to be a fundamentally unprecedented, world-changing experience for all of humanity, and that it will never be "all over." And he knows that he's the one who knocked over the first domino.


While it is Gharr who did the rush job on the initial analysis, I think the Major is equally responsible for knocking over that domino, even with his limited information at the time.


Can anyone be normal after meeting actual real aliens?


Once you have both humans and aliens at hand, who gets to define a "normal" between the two?


neither they have an AI and some cockroach aliens, more than one opportunity for an impartial third observer.

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The author is against any kind of application of AI to his artwork.

Before becoming a webcomic, Leaving The Cradle was initially developed as a modification for Source engine, back in 2007. It was vastly different back then, much closer to the usual space opera look and feel, and the plot had nothing in common with the webcomic version, sharing only one character.