Latest blog post: Redraw of chapter 1 is happening (2024-05-11)

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Mark Linimon

Good thing this is fiction, and nobody in reality goes for cult-like thinking! Hah hah.



Lord Eric

yeah, there's definitely going to be a "YOU!" moment in the future. Only question is if it happens before or after getting into the matter of the Ghosts, and it'll probably be before.


A "YOU" moment?


As in, Y.O.U. = "YOU Outed Us!!!!", I'd guess ...


Gharr has made it clear that a lot of what Earth done is nothing new to the alliance and that it is reassuring to see so many similar trends. Heck we know that their own internet is also mostly used for *ahem* "research" so there's probably cesspit paranoiac websites as well.


so there's probably cesspit paranoiac websites as well.

... Flatgalaxists?


God can you imagine? They probably think that certain alien species just don't exist.


Ahshu got her mind twisted by the fact that there were flat earthers in 116 & 117. I do want to know what the Raharrs version of flat earthers are, or the other's aliens versions.


*odds of Gharr recommending the glassing of earth increasing...*


Poor Dan, I've also had family members who were so easily deluded by such nonsense. I'm autistic, and I also got sent such a "rehabilitation" "school", where all the other non-conformal youths got sent to. (basically all the handicapped, criminal, developmentally disabled, etc. All just dumped into one "school.")

It can be very difficult to rid someone of such conspiratorial beliefs, it can stick to someone like a religion.

Mark Linimon

I'm sorry that you had to go through that.


A demonically possessed monkey could flail it's testicles across a keyboard and produce more valuable content than what is found on 4Chan. But Paranoichan sounds like it might be worse

If Dan is in deep enough with those sorts of loons I'm probably more worried that he'll be the one to break silence and contact people outside the group than anyone else. I dread to think what a pile of people all in a similar or worse thinking pattern to Dan would do with knowledge and access to Gharr.


I dread to think what a pile of people all in a similar or worse thinking pattern to Dan would do with knowledge and access to Gharr.

If some of those jump in, they're probably more "proactive" members of the group in general, and proud of their ability to nonetheless evade the 3vul gvt. Which will then be put to the test of the authorities suddenly having a real reason to come after them. Plus, I really don't see Gharr cooperating in anything that even remotely smells like overthrowing the natives' guvmint.

Having that said, the two things the paranuts could do that likely could not be gotten back under control would be outright murder (of whom?), or going all-out public with the story.

... yeah, I suppose they could publicly claim to have extraterrestrial support for their revolution, Gharrs refusal notwithstanding ...

But anyway: If I were in Gharrs place, this revelation would cause me to take another count of how many exits this here stage has ... including closed windows, this time.


With this news (and his own observations) I imagine Gharr will be looking to Mark and Val as the voices of reason here. However they're unlikely to suggest simply contacting authorities and getting this all sorted out diplomatically.

As unhinged and incorrect as Dan's perceptions of the military and authorities are, Val and Mark can still obviously tell the military are aware of the aliens, are conducting searches for them and are keeping everything under wraps with lies about falling meteors. Even if they don't believe the military and authorities are creating clones or anything crazy they have more than enough indications that a cover up is going on and to be rightfully worried that they might be covered up in the process. As a result they're likely to at least believe that outright trusting and contacting the military is not a good idea.

Regardless, they're in a sort of limbo right now. The only plan they seem to all agree on is attempting to find SOME way of contacting the fleet but I'm guessing none of them has enough of the correct technical expertise know how to do this, at least, not without alerting everyone anyway. Going public is certainly another option as from their perspective the military might still arrest them all but the world will be chasing the military for answers and the truth being revealed removes a lot of the reason to detain anyone other than Gharr. From Gharr's perspective thats undesirable due to their law against contact and it might be undesirable to Dan if he truly believes the majority of humanity is evil and would do or support horrible things being done to Gharr anyway.


Gharr will be looking to Mark and Val as the voices of reason here.

I was actually thinking about Dan contacting his fellow Paranoichanters (we already know that he is willing to excuse himself for his own violations of the "Silent Mode"), and their most outspoken activists deciding to move in and run the show in our gang's stead ...

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Many homeworlds of the respective species are still divided into countries, but freshly established colonies on other planets are almost always monolithic and basically independent, since they sprawled from a single initial outpost, and time lag involved due to interstellar distances making remote management of the colony from a homeworld to be ineffective and frustrating at best.