Latest blog post: Redraw of chapter 1 is happening (2024-05-11)

Author's comment:

Neural modules are basically programs for a neural implant, or, rather, knowledge repositories. Their function is to give the user additional artificial memories containing useful knowledge or provide useful subroutines that can aid thinking. Language translation modules are an example of a heavily specialized neuromodule. One would think that neuro modules could give you total knowledge on the subject, "I know kung-fu" style, but in practice, there's a vast gulf between knowledge and experience. It's like a difference between somebody who just perfectly memorized the entire textbook on anatomy, versus a seasoned and experienced surgeon. Currently, it is impossible to create a neural module of an experience, since it is pretty much stored in neuron connections of the brain, which are more or less all completely unique for each person. Not to mention it represents years or decades of practice, and thus heavily intertwined with the personality, so many are skeptical it can be extracted at all even theoretically.

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Comments (13)


Thats a hard break between Gharr and Zane if I ever seen one! The punch was bad but his quite calm statement here is even worse.

Maybe Zane´s successor will change his mind....wonder if Zane will have an "accident" ?!

Besides that : Bahin looks even more angry than usual . Iskra is way to Cherry.

What happened at the meeting we have not seen ? Maybe Iskra threw the entire UN charter

at Bahin or perhaps speed-dialed the President of Protagonistan for Bahins sole entertaintment....

No Nea in sight or the rescue-team. Atleast they have not formed an orderly que outside the room with Gharr to beat him further up.


wonder if Zane will have an "accident" ?!

He seems to be a little too used to the political power plays of Harr to make that easy. But also, he's the commander of an expedition fleet - whoever the Raharr liaisons to Terra will be, he is unlikely to be present to counteract if they choose to make a new decision about Gharr, anyway.

Atleast they have not formed an orderly que outside the room with Gharr to beat him further up.

Civilized behavior, thy name is "please queue here" ...


You screwed up and so you're off the team as punishment.

Sounds Reasonable


It sounds awfully lenient for a punishment. Is it possible that "the Ghosts" were actually responsible for launching the missile in the first place?


It's clear that is was Major Pronin (Or maybe the radar operator?) in 4 who launched the missile that took down the initial shuttle.


Yes. That's what we SAW, but is that what really happened???


["Pronin is Dan's older brother, the brainwashing thing is actually true as well, and there's some alien 'we'll keep you looking younger than you are' shit going on, too" vibes ... intensifying]


I don't see how that would change Zane's take on Gharr handing him a falsified report beforehand in any way ...


This story is about several screw-ups that could have happened at about the same time!

Lord Eric

Having your father figure also be your boss and your highest legal authority is a great position to be in... unless you screw up badly enough to get an equally neat combination of being disowned, fired and judged guilty.


Neural modules. Sounds like the knowledge withtout the wisdom.

Someone who has read every book on sailing, committed every word to memory and has the ability to recall every relevant line versus someone who has sailed the seas all their life.

Looks like Iskra and the General have had a good talk as per the Major's suggestion. Now Zane gets the contact for the semi-international agency/committee handling communications and interactions with the Raharr so he can better co-ordinate announcement to the planet and what it might mean for interactions between the fleet and the world governments moving forward.


Oh, and one more thing Gharr, Nea survived the crash also, she'll be in to beat you up in a moment.

I wonder if Zane thinks Iskra also has an implant based on the earpiece radio.


she'll be in to beat you up in a moment.

Nah. If Gharr gets the idea of preferring imprisonment on Harr over exile to Terra, then Zane will send her over to "be convincing" about the advantages of keeping his distance.

I wonder if Zane thinks Iskra also has an implant based on the earpiece radio.

Iskra: "Oh, that? Ignore that old thing. The ones improved with all we've learned from observing yours will be out in about three weeks."


Bahin: "Not. Funny."

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The author is against any kind of application of AI to his artwork.

Before becoming a webcomic, Leaving The Cradle was initially developed as a modification for Source engine, back in 2007. It was vastly different back then, much closer to the usual space opera look and feel, and the plot had nothing in common with the webcomic version, sharing only one character.