Hollow Trails
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Latest blog post: Redraw of chapter 1 is happening (2024-05-11)

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Ah yes, proselytizing to humanity... that'll end well.


Matriarch: "I'm quite happy to discuss religion with you, gentlemen, but I have to ask: Did you have to come and literally knock on my door to meet me?"

"We consider it polite. We do so at humans' doors on a daily basis, too."

"That may be, but you're a pre-spaceflight species and my door is still in orbit around Jupiter ... !!"

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The author is against any kind of application of AI to his artwork.

Raharr's version of a salute is generally performed with closed eyes, available free pair of hands raised to the shoulder level, and the right hand gripping the left fist, with the index finger pointing up. Its symbolic meaning is "Be your flame burning forever and brightly".

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