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Latest blog post: Redraw of chapter 1 is happening (2024-05-11)

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Mother had once told her that decisions were made hard only by the muck of the mind, all the attachments of the world tainting the pure truth within you. They could be made simple again by flipping a coin and asking yourself this: what outcome can you not live with? The other side, however bitter, was always the path to undertake.

--Maryam Khaimov, Pale Lights

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The author is against any kind of application of AI to his artwork.

Azinarsi relationship to death is different from the rest of the civilizations of the Alliance: they do not care about it. Death would mean loss of information and experience gathered by that instance of a person's mind, though, and these two things are about the only valuables for an Uploaded mind, so Azinarsi try to avoid it when possible.
