Latest blog post: Redraw of chapter 1 is happening (2024-05-11)

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Why keep it a secret indeed... Certainly starting to sound like they fear a body snatcher sort of scenario and worry if someone among the ships is compromised or a sleeping agent.


This aligns with Dan's fears…


So you guys above imply my inane rambling on the previous page, which I blame om too much snacks and old "Schlefaz" on the tube , actually may hold some water ?

Now you are scaring me!

And IF the Alliance has the same angle on things and even they are not sure what is going on , then the "ghosts" is vastly more advanced than anyone can feel comfortable about especially if used for nefarious purposes in , by the ghost standards, lesser technologically society's.....Which may also include the Alliance.

I still lean towards a "Tread carefully, there are meat-puppets about" scenario

Again : All of this is non-canon. We are just letting of steam here. The less we know the more weird patterns we see.


Hey, if you're watching SchleFaZ, you have no right to complain about getting scared ... the fact that those often try to substitute jump scares for a plot (and then label themselves a horror movie, of sorts) is just the beginning of the painfest!


The floating head scene in the Japanese horror "Hausu" (1977) really put a dent in my childhood! Also...It bit her in the A** !

The ones I care to watch these days has to be so ridiculous bad that they are funny.


[takes a magnifying glass at panel 2]

... is that the first Sashli we're shown?

I'm getting mixed signals about the "back room" there ... the groove in the ground and the angle between the "vertical" structures suggest that the non-rotating part of the Dawn begins at the groove, but if that were the case, everyone on its far side should be floating in zero-g, shouldn't they ... ?

(Not to mention that you don't want a zero-g area to be so spacious, lest someone who's drifted away from the handles needs a couple hours to "swim" back to where he can get a grip on/for himself ...)


Since the people in the background are all walking in the surface, my guess is that area is still rotating. It would also seem pretty hazardous for the seam between the rotating section and the zero-g section to be along the middle of the floor. So I think they are in a relatively low-g area, and the zero-g space accessible to pedestrians might only be the relatively narrow tubes we've seen them floating down in earlier pages. I hope that transition is a more obvious threshold than an unmarked seam in the floor!


The "tubes" are just corridors in the non-rotating part of the ship. And the transition between the sections is definitely not something so reckless - it looks more like a train, or a horizontal elevator.


It would also seem pretty hazardous for the seam between the rotating section and the zero-g section to be along the middle of the floor.

I see four potential hazards from that:

* Lack of nearby handrails to grab in zero-g, as mentioned above

* Body parts getting stuck in the groove - fixable (memento Terran escalators)

* Speed difference between the two sides might be too high (aka the osoto guruma sleeve bearing )

* Someone please keep the insctoid in panel four from getting rotated into the wall!


Nope. The first Sashli was on page 7. But this might be the second. And the groove (if you mean the line on the ground on the left) goes right up to the wall of the building. If that was rotating, it would smack people pretty hard.

Lord Eric

I think the groove is just a floor marking. For one, it goes through a building. For two, there are still radial buildings and walking people on the far side. For three, that would require a massive moving seal which is exposed to the entire volume of the barrel if it fails.


What if it's Earth? Sending out lots of signals. and actually looking for other life out there? Did somebody think that was suspicious, or was it just a good reason to send a whole fleet to find out?

-(If they didn't like what they found they could always destroy it before it became a problem...)


Quantum stated that he found signs of "ghosts" activity within our Internet, recognizable by not matching our own fingerprint and apparently purposefully hidden from detection by us. If those ghosts are indeed Terra-based, they'd have to be a group of quite seclusive supervillains IMHO.


Well then, Earth could be the battle-ground and prize for one side or the other. Are they snooping to interfere and steer people towards their side, or have the Alliance similar ambitions?


Quadruple arm "Dunno".

My new favorite Raharr gesture !


Next up: Raharrian Synchronous Tetrathlon:

* scratching top of head

* "hmmmm" pose at chin

* "how could they do that to me" fist on hip

* fist bump your (re)new(ed) partner in countercrime

all simultaneously!

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Raharrs are warm-blooded creatures and are accustomed to temperature range a bit warmer than Earth's.