Latest blog post: Redraw of chapter 1 is happening (2024-05-11)

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SeanMcTiernan (transfer from Disqus)

Oh god, someone seriously needs to work with him on the pronunciation. It will make everything go SO much more smoothly.

JoB (transfer from Disqus)

... don't you mean grammar? Short of Gharr's speech bubbles starting to show
-- 𝖜𝖊𝖎𝖗𝖉 𝖋𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖘,
-- lots-a ze unh-ushal spellingz,

-- "bleeding" edges, or
-- something even more creative, like bubbles having serrated edges sawing into the panel borders and then being shown stuck in innocent pieces of furniture in the background of subsequent panels,
I'd say that we have no idea of how his spelling is - beyond it being good enough that the humans can understand the words, at least.


Raharrian larynxes are very similar to human ones, and the implant partially overrides the control over it to ensure correct contortions, so his earthling language pronunciation is actually quite close to a human with an accent. The grammar and the structure of the sentences themselves are the main pitfalls so far.

someone (transfer from Disqus)


Borg (transfer from Disqus)

I hate to come across as rude, but yes, it is all your fault. You shouldn't try to sneak onto a planet uninvited if you don't have time to scope the place out carefully first, and you especially shouldn't try to sneak onto a planet uninvited if you don't know how to try to explain your presence if you get caught sneaking around.

Lord Eric (transfer from Disqus)

That latter one seems more a fault in general Alliance procedures. What's Gharr's fault is that he told Zane he HAD scoped the place out first, and concluded that there was no risk of the shuttle being detected by human technology, let alone harmed.

Murphy (transfer from Disqus)

But we all know that there wouldn't be much of a story if both the procedures and people following them were perfect.

Keith Schiffner (transfer from Disqus)

Be amazed what gets lost in the clutter no matter how good your systems are or you operators. Much less when everything is having bad day. Old scifi trope Captain Field Marshall "How are they hitting us? We have the best energy defense grid!" Yoe man 3rd class at plotting scree "Because sir, they aren't using energy weapons. Those clever ape mammals are throwing rocks at us. Very fast rocks and they saw us because of our emissions. Because nobody looks at microwaves we don't mask it. They look for microwaves sir"

ANTIcarrot (transfer from Disqus)

True, though it's quite surprising that Gharr has the authority to pull it off. You'd think there's be a group meeting to brief the commander, but no. Apparently all information and knowledge about Earth flowed through him.

multilis (transfer from Disqus)

We don't have the full story so I think a little early to be dividing up the blame. We still don't know "what the shit is going on?"

There may have been good reasons for the sneak, the alternatives may have faced other potentially bigger problems.

Borg (transfer from Disqus)

To be clear, I'm not saying they should have come to Earth openly; that clearly would have violated some protocols. But the only reason they attempted to put a team on Earth in any way is because Gharr pushed for it, and the only reason Gharr pushed for it is that he wanted to be personally involved in the historic discovery of a civilization in a transitional period. Whatever secret motivated the fleet to come out here in the first place seems to be entirely tangential.

Lord Eric (transfer from Disqus)

I dunno if this has been mentioned outside the Discord, but yeah, it's definitely only tangential. Visiting Sol at all was nothing more than a route choice.

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Raharr's version of a salute is generally performed with closed eyes, available free pair of hands raised to the shoulder level, and the right hand gripping the left fist, with the index finger pointing up. Its symbolic meaning is "Be your flame burning forever and brightly".