Latest blog post: Redraw of chapter 1 is happening (2024-05-11)

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Oh dear, Ghar you'll break his heart.


Gharr's new nickname will be "ROCK" (I wouldn't be surprised at all if that's what Gharr means...)


Simon "A Rock" Peter

Albert "One Rock" Einstein

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Gharr "Rock" Neht Ra

…Yeah, he'll fit right in


I honestly think thats a bad idea. Leaving a few of your people on your planet filled with humans that are always looking to manipulate or exploit you in order to get the edge over one another? Thats just a recipe for disaster.


They'll draw the line at TV commercials (which will be very popular!)


Zane mentioned that he is the only one authorized to speak in the name of the Alliance; in other words, no human, no matter how crafty, can wring an agreement out of any other Raharr that extends beyond the actual delegation.

In addition, since page 165, we know that the actual deal-makers of the Alliance will pop up only about "a year" later ... whatever the length of a Raharr year is.


... saaaaayyyyy that delegation is virtually guaranteed to include the fleet's only xenobiologist, isn't it ... ?

Zane [on involuntary shore leave back on Harr]: "Just you wait 'til I get my hands on you upon your return ... !!"


I think the author said somewhere that all units of measurement are translated into human units for the sake of our convenience as readers, so a "year" as we read it spoken, no matter who is speaking, is a "year" from Earth's perspective.

Also yes, I'd expect Gharr to be part of a delegation left on Earth, since he's spent his whole life preparing for an opportunity like this. It might be best for Gharr to have some "shore duty" from the fleet anyway, since Nea might hold her crew's death against him.

On the other hand, unless this comic is getting close to its end, I suspect something will happen before the fleet moves on that keeps them in the system.


Aaaww....Dan does not wanna loose his friend.

But having a house close to the Base could be an opportunity to open an Raharr Hostel ,

I can already see the Sign in bend glowing Neon

"Genuine Human lodgings. Flush toilet , washingmachine and more! "


How could you ... omit the pizza!!


Oh you are right, addendum : "Stone Oven baked Pizza & Junk Food Galore"

"The very Salt of Terran Cuisine"

yes, right up to about your third heart-attack.

On the more serious note : Should there now be a permanent Raharr presence upon Terra , Gharr has involuntary volunteered due to his "creative" rapport. I also see Nea trust into the arms , or maybe more the other way around , of the Major. Both witnesses will have been promoted to delegation status and Zane does not have to answer uncomfortable questions back home about 6 dead crew and 1 obliterated shuttle. At-least not for a while.

Its gonna be interesting. Gharr need to get to the base alive first though.


On the more serious note :

In all seriousness, I don't think that the plot will get to the point where the fleet will send an official delegation planetside. The reason being quite simple: The way Zane is disinclined to favor one nation over another, that delegation would likely not set up camp in Protagonistan, and that would threaten to cut three certain human civilians out of said plot.

I also see Nea trust into the arms , or maybe more the other way around , of the Major.

My, what ever gave you that idea ... ?

Both witnesses will have been promoted to delegation status and Zane does not have to answer uncomfortable questions back home about 6 dead crew and 1 obliterated shuttle. At-least not for a while.

Umh, I don't think it'll work quite like that. There are enough witnesses of the events - though not eyewitnesses - even among the Dawn's bridge crew ...

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Raharr's version of a salute is generally performed with closed eyes, available free pair of hands raised to the shoulder level, and the right hand gripping the left fist, with the index finger pointing up. Its symbolic meaning is "Be your flame burning forever and brightly".