Latest blog post: Redraw of chapter 1 is happening (2024-05-11)

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I'm guessing Ahshu was mildly worried Hekaht was talking about mutiny since Hekaht simply clarified all he did was poke around the mission files.

It feels very strange to me that these fleet voyages sort of have two separate command structures of civilian and military, but I guess space travel and exploration have become common and regular enough that they are treated as civilian/government excursions with a military escort.

In this case they have discovered there's an overarching military mission beyond simply escorting and protecting the fleet.


I guess space travel and exploration have become common and regular enough that they are treated as civilian/government excursions with a military escort.

Fact is that this here expedition has a noticeably larger military escort than usual, to the point of the civilian crew already having gotten wary of the military presence not being the "common and regular" sort at all ...


Yeah, I remember that, but even so, the suggestion is there are other excursions with military escort, separating the military and civilian command in the excursions, even if they have smaller military escorts.

I guess the strangeness I find is that I'd expect all the ships themselves to be captained and have senior crew who are all under military jurisdiction with subsets of groups for managing exploration in any given region, alien contact, diplomatic and civilian entities, etc. If this was military escort for a corporate civilian exploration or transport it would make sense, but AFAIK the entire fleet is all government run/sponsored.


WHAT? A SECRET! I'm Shocked!*

*(Not Really)


Cool funicular!

Does the Dawns command staff besides Zane & Quantum not communicate with the military ships? If not, What is the "official" mission for the Dawn?

And I presume Hekahts snooping will get detected the moment Quantum's back..

Also minor grammar issue in panel 1:

...Quantum didn't told us...

Should read: "...Quantum didn't tell us..."


Cool funicular!

IIUC it's the Dawn's standard transport between the inner surface of the rotating habitat cylinder (hence, artificial gravity) and the zero-g / docking parts Gharr came from back then (namely, the cylinder's axis ends).

Does the Dawns command staff besides Zane & Quantum not communicate with the military ships?

Well, they certainly communicate with them (see page 84), but we have seen Zane withholding that particular information from the rest of the Dawn's officers ...

And I presume Hekahts snooping will get detected the moment Quantum's back..

I wouldn't be surprised if Quantum gets an encoded "ping" from that illicit activity as soon as light speed permits, but given the relation between him and cpt. Kas, the answer will at least not make use of the specific capabilities of the ship he is on now.


Also I feel like I'm missing a joke here, what was Ahsru thinking it was?


Maybe Ashu has a "folder" somewhere in the system she has ask Quantum to bury.....

You know....Stuff from her wild hedonistic years....

Well...A man can dream


She doesn't seem the type to hide that ... or she's terribly bad at it, at least.


Maybe there is just more , unfit for posters !

Lets keep our heads straight here, it can be everything. We simply still know too little.

But speculating is fun so, maybe she cheated on her exams or pulled some strings with the

higher-ups to get on board or maybe she is in reality a Raharr version of Paris Hilton , shipped of incognito to mature her...The possibilities are endless !


I absolutely love how the discussions under the pages are always going in directions!


... and so many mutually exclusive ones ...


Maybe there is just more , unfit for posters !

(FWIW, I wasn't referring to the poster - which shows orange feathers, rather than Ahshu's red ones - but to their conversation.)


Just my guess, but: Ahshu is aware that the fleet (likely) has a secret objective, and what seems to be her biggest worry so far is that the shuttle crew might be dead, or get left behind (see pages 85, 87, 160). She might have been worried that Hekaht had found out said objective, and that it would somehow stand in the way of further attempts to retrieve the survivors.

... though I admit that if that were the case, Hekaht just saying "I tried to poke around the files" should not be enough to make her dismiss the possibility ... unless the Raharr term for "I tried" already strongly implies "and failed" ...

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Raharr's version of a salute is generally performed with closed eyes, available free pair of hands raised to the shoulder level, and the right hand gripping the left fist, with the index finger pointing up. Its symbolic meaning is "Be your flame burning forever and brightly".